Attorney DUI San Diego leads charge against no alcohol rule at beach. Drunk Driving Lawyer San Diego looks for loopehole.
Yesterday, San Diego DUI criminal defense attorney led a Mission Bay crowd estimated by police at 2,500 yesterday to take advantage of a loophole in the city’s beach booze ban: People can have open containers of alcohol as long as their feet aren’t touching the sand. This video shows how.
Flotation devices, rafts and coolers moved through Fanuel Street Park beginning at 10 a.m. and formed floating partying groups on the water, known as “Floatopia”,it caught fire on Facebook and Twitter.
A few thousand drinkers converged off the park and its playground a few weeks ago. Police issued more than 50 citations and arrested people for being intoxicated in public. Some were reportedly arrested later for San Diego drunk driving.
San Diego DUI & criminal police cops watched the floaters, enforcing all laws: no open containers, no glass, no littering, no smoking and no underage drinking.
If you need a criminal defense lawyer specializing in DUI & DMV law, contact the San Diego County DUI Law Center.