Considering retaining one of San Diego’s California DUI Criminal Defense Lawyers? Here’s what you need to know:
1. Google or Yahoo San Diego California DUI area for San Diego California DUI Criminal Defense Lawyers that are licensed in California, that specialize in DUI cases, and are located and practice San Diego California DUI & DMV Defense in the San Diego California County area.
2. Search the Internet for information about the San Diego California DUI Criminal Defense Lawyers on your list.
Do a name search. Find their San Diego California DUI Criminal Defense Attorney web pages.
Get as much San Diego California DUI Criminal / DMV Defense information as possible.
3. Make a list of questions you want to ask each San Diego California DUI – DMV Defense Lawyer that you plan to contact.
It’s your case and your life, so ask them everything that you want to know.
Consider questions like:
• Are you a Specialist in California DUI law?
• Who will handle my case?
• What is your experience?
• What are your qualifications?
• Do you only handle San Diego County DUI & DMV cases?
• What is your success rate?
• How might you plan to defend me?
• What could happen to me?
• What are your fees?
• Will you email a written Proposal?
• Do you have a free, online Evaluation?
4. Contact the San Diego California DUI Criminal Defense Lawyers on your list.
After you complete the Attorney’s free online San Diego California DUI / DMV Defense Evaluation form or Survey form, ask or email your questions.
Listen to their answers and offers. If they don’t want to answer, you don’t want them. Make notes to compare.
5. Compare the San Diego California DUI Criminal Defense Attorneys.
Use all of the information you have gathered. Compare them against each other. Find those that you think would be the best fit for you. List your top choices and then contact the one(s) you want to.
Make sure you contact or email the actual San Diego DUI – DMV Defense Lawyer who will be handling your case if hired.
6. Make your choice & retain your San Diego California DUI Criminal Defense Attorney.
Choose the one you feel will give you the best possible San Diego California DUI Criminal Defense with terms that meet your needs.
Once you have Proposal or Retainer Agreement, sign it and forward it to the San Diego DUI – DMV Defense Lawyer of your choice. Way to go!