San Diego DUI criminal defense lawyers are informed this Voice Of San story “Answering Readers’ Crime Questions” uses San Diego DUI / Drunk Driving arrest data from the San Diego Police Department that represents a six-month period between September 2009 and February 2010.
Here is what it found regarding San Diego Police Department Officer James Zirpolo during this time period.
Which San Diego Police Department officer made the most DUI arrests? Which San Diego Police Department officer is the “MVP” in DUI arrests? The King of Drunk Driving busts?
SDPD Officer James Zirpolo arrested 113 people for DUI. The next San Diego Police Department officer had 94 and the average among all officers who arrested at least one person was 14. Keep in mind that some officers, especially those in administrative roles, make few arrests so that brings the average down.
Almost all of Zirpolo’s arrests were based on DUI / drunk driving charges in Pacific Beach or surrounding neighborhoods. He arrested 76 men and 37 women.
Officer Zirpolo says he worked four days a week and ten hours a day.
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During this time frame, Officer Zirpolo was working Tuesday through Friday; he had the weekends off.
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Pacific Beach has a number of intoxicated persons, especially on Garnet, but if one assumes that most of those San Diego DUI arrests occurred on a Friday, during this period, how many people did he arrest on fridays alone?
If one accounts for the amount of time it takes to investigate and process a San Diego DUI arrest, including but not limited to the time it takes to administer all of the San Diego DUI field sobriety tests, breath testing, chemical testing, booking, impound, report-writing, and related San Diego DUI tasks, this appears to be an extraordinarily high number of drunk driving arrests in San Diego. San Diego DUI Criminal Defense Attorneys take note.